The library profession prioritizes the protection of patron privacy as a core tenant of the Library Bill of Rights.
Privacy of User Records, CRS 24-90-119. Colorado state law requires that a public library may not disclose patron records or information about library use unless:
Disclosure by a library official, employee, or volunteer is a class 2 petty offense, with up to $300 fine if convicted.
Patrons should report lost or stolen library cards as soon as possible to protect their own privacy and avoid unauthorized use.
Passwords are required for the patron to gain access to their online account. This ensures that the patron's identifiable information is protected.
Lake County Public Library respects the privacy of all patrons, regardless of age. Parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 may only obtain access to the child's account, including materials that are checked out, on hold, or overdue by providing the child's library card or library card number.
Lake County Public Library works with third party vendors to provide access to services such as digital content, databases and streaming services. We encourage patrons to read and become familiar with the privacy policies of our third-party services.
Lake County Public Library protects personally identifiable information by shredding physical documents and deleting electronic documents. We also utilize privacy software on public computers which removes cookies, browsing history, cached files, as well as any other computer and internet use record upon log off.
Lake County Public Library records may only be disclosed pursuant to subpoena, by court order, or where otherwise required by law. LCPL staff will refer any public records requests or law enforcement enquiries to the Library Director. Only the Library Director, or whoever they have chosen to be their representative, is authorized to receive or act upon these public records requests. The Library Director, or their representative, may confer with the County Attorney before determining the proper response to any record requests.
Patrons may only conduct legal activity while using LCPL resources and services. LCPL will enforce its Patron Behavior Policy; protect its patrons, staff, network and equipment from harm; or prevent use of the LCPL space and equipment for illegal purposes.. This includes contacting law enforcement and providing information that may identify the individual(s) suspected of a violation.