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Meeting Room Policy

Library Meeting Room Usage Policy

Only non-profit groups, county departments, or community groups offering events open to the public are eligible to use these rooms. The rooms may not be used for private functions, religious worship services, or by school-age students without adult supervision. No admission fee or registration fee may be sought from meeting attendees.

The AMAX Room & kitchenette are available to eligible groups without charge when the room is not being used for Library sponsored activities. It is available both during and after regular library hours.

The Baby Doe Conference Room seats 10 people. This room is not available for individual use or online conference/meeting use. It is only available during library hours.


Before & During Events:

  • Community users must provide a description of the event to be posted on the library’s public calendar.

  • No smoking and no alcoholic beverages are allowed.

  • Users agree to abide by all Lake County Public Library’s policies, including its Code of Conduct.

  • Movies shown or recordings played must have the appropriate public performance rights. Obtaining the license & all applicable fees are the responsibility of the group. Proof of public performance rights shall be provided to the library director prior to the event date. 


Amax Room keys will be provided each time the facilities are to be used. Keys will be available for pick up 24 hours ahead of the time scheduled for your group.  For events beginning when the Library is closed, it is the responsibility of a group member to pick up keys during regular Library hours prior to the scheduled event.

After Events:

When an event ends, the group is responsible for:

  • Returning the room to its original condition;

  • Turning off all lights and disconnecting any appliances used;

  • Making sure all AMAX Room & kitchenette doors are locked, including 12th St. exit door;

  • Returning all keys borrowed immediately after the meeting ends to the Circulation Desk or via the book drop on the 12th St. side of the building.

  • AMAX Room users are responsible for the setup and breakdown of any chairs and tables. 

  • Users must leave the premises clean (including rest rooms) and in good repair. 

  •  All food and supplies must be removed immediately following an event.

It is the responsibility of the group to notify the Library immediately if a scheduled meeting is changed or canceled, and to give notice when the standing reservation is no longer needed, or if the telephone number of the group’s contact person changes.

Groups or individuals using meeting rooms shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Library, its trustees, agents and employees from and against any and all losses, damages, claims, costs, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from any act, omission or error of the such group or individual and any users, employees, agents, representatives, guests, invitees, resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the group’s or individual’s use of the Library.

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement will result in denying the person/organization future use of the facilities.

To Book a Room:

To book a room please fill out this form (clicking will open a new window with the form). After the form is completed, we will be in touch to confirm availability and have you sign a physical copy of our usage policy agreement before the room will be considered booked for your event. Reservations require the group name, a contact person, a telephone number, the size of the group, the date and time. Please also include set-up and clean-up time needed, equipment needed including the kitchenette. If you have any questions, please call the library at (719) 486-0569.