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Circulation Policy

Library Card

All residents of and visitors to Lake County Public Library are eligible to apply for a Library Card. No card will be denied because of economic, political, racial, religious, social status, sexual preference or orientation.

It is the cardholder’s responsibility to inform the Library when any patron information such as name, address, telephone number, or email address changes. Incorrect contact information on file does not relieve the patron from responsibility for overdue or lost library materials.

Documentation need to obtain a library card and expiration periods:


  • Proof of physical residence in Lake County (for example, a utility bill or lease, or a piece of recent mail will patron’s name and address) and
  • Photo ID (government issued driver’s license or ID, military ID, passport, work ID)
  • Must renew card in person, expires after four years

Children (Residents):

  • Until the minor reaches the age of 18, the parent of legal guardian is responsible for all items borrowed on the minor's card.
  • Must renew card in person, expires after four years. Please update information after the patron turns 18.

Colorado Library Collaborate:

  • Colorado library card
  • Photo ID (government issued driver’s license or ID, military ID, passport, work ID)
  • Must renew card in person, expires after four years

Visitors (temporary cards):

  • Photo ID (government issued driver’s license or ID, military ID, passport, work ID)
  • $25 deposit, refundable upon return of all materials and satisfactory closing of the account
  • Expires after 3 months and can be renewed in person
  • If deposits are left after the card expires they will be donated to the library after a one-month waiting period

Easy Access Card:

  • This card is for all ages and does not require an ID to receive borrowing privileges. 
  • Must provide 2 of 3 ways to contact patron: Address, Phone, Email
  • May only check out 3 items
  • Must renew card in person, expires after one year

Loan Period & Late Returns

ItemLoan PeriodMax ItemsRenewalAge RequirementsEligibility
Books3 weeksUnlimitedRenewable if no holdsNoneAll
DVD3 weeks10 discsRenewable if no holdsNoneAll
Audiobooks3 weeks5 casesRenewable if no holdsNoneAll
Video Games3 weeks2 games1 renewalNoneLC, LC Youth
Library of Things1 week1-2 items1 renewal18+ Yellow, Purple tagsLC, LC Youth
Tool Library1 week10 itemsRenewable if no holds18+LC
Launchpads3 weeks1 itemRenewable if no holdsNoneLC, LC Youth
Ebooks, EAudiobooks3 weeks5 itemsRenewable if no holdsNoneAll


For books and DVDs patrons may renew items up to 3 times as long as there are no holds on the item(s). If there are no holds on the item(s), they will renew automatically up to two times. Patrons can add one additional renewal manually. 

Prospector loan renewals are dependent upon the policy of the lending library.

Revocation of Borrowing Privileges

Patrons’ borrowing privileges will be revoked when items are 7 days overdue; privileges will be reinstated upon the return of materials. In regards to Tool Library and Library of Things, borrowing privileges will be revoked for 6 months after 3 instances of overdue materials. 

Lost and Damaged Materials

Patrons who have lost or damaged library materials may either pay the price listed in our database or provide the library with a new copy.

If the patron finds a lost book he or she has paid for, the patron may bring the book into the library to receive a refund. It is up to the discretion of the director, circulation supervisor or most senior staff member present to provide a refund.

Library of Things and Tool Library Bookings

Library of Things and Tool Library check-outs can be scheduled online through our website at If the booked items are not picked up on the scheduled pick-up date, the bookings will be released and may be checked out by another patron.

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