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Current Programs For Teens

Check the Library Events Calender for current updates/cancellation information.

Dungeons & Dragons 

Every Tuesday in the AMAX Room for ages 12-23. From 4:00-6:00pm.

Beginners always welcome! Snacks are provided by the Library. We are currently alternating between two different campaigns every other week.

Chess Club 

Every Wednesday in the AMAX Room from 4:00-5:00pm.

All ages are welcome.

Popcorn and chess boards are provided by the Library. Beginners are welcome! Learn how to play with the help of library staff.

Page Turners and Treats 

Submit a review for the last book you read and earn a treat! Whether you loved it or hated it, write a review for any book that is 100 pages or more and get a treat of your choice. There is no limit to the number of reviews you can turn in, but you can not get more than one treat per day. Review sheets will be displayed in the Library for all to see. You might help someone find their next awesome book!

Find review sheets at the front desk, or print them below.

Reviews can be turned in at the front desk. A librarian might be curious to know more about your thoughts on the book!

Print Review Sheets 

Select files below to print review sheets from anywhere. Reviews can be turned in at the library in exchange for a treat!

A mini book review form with fields for name, age, book info, thoughts, favorite quotes, and a 5-star rating.
Spanish book review form with sections for book title, protagonist, thoughts, favorite quote, and a star rating.


Start Something for Teens at the Library!

Suggest a Program or Club 

Do you have an idea for a program or club at the Library? Refer to the Library's Programming Policy to learn more about presenting and partnering with us.

You may also contact Matt with any questions! Email


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