How to research Lake County Archives
Lake County Archives has both non-circulating items house in our on site archives as well as digitized records to aid in your research. We are happy to assist you in person or via email/phone. Our research procedures are as follows:
Local History staff is needed to assist you with access to our non-circulation collection. Staff is on site Monday - Friday 10am - 5 pm. Appointments are encouraged and can be made by contacting one of our Local History staff members below.
For research appointments on a Saturday, please be sure to contact us at least one week prior to your visit as we have limited Saturday availablity and staff time on Saturdays.
For those not local to Leadville and unable to travel here, our local history staff can assist you by performing limited searches for you. Researchers are on site Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm. Research is performed within the resources we hold; we do not perform research using sources from other historical archives, libraries, etc. We do not carry out extensive requests, i.e. researching an entire family line or tracing the entire history of a building or house, but we can help guide you to helpful resources.
Please include as much information in your request as possible, including resources/records already searched/found. This will assist us in expediting your request.
Due to the volume of requests we recieve, please allow at least 5-7 business days for a response to your request. Requests are processed in the order in which they are recieved. Please contact one of our local history staff listed below to start your request.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Deputy Director/Local History
Local History Coordinator
Local History Digitizer
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