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Copy, Scan, Print, or Fax

Computers, Internet & Printing

Public computers are available for public use for free. Children 10 years of age and younger must have adult supervision.

Computer and Internet Policy

Print & Copy Costs

20 cents per copy for black & white
25 cents per copy for color

Fax Services

Incoming or outgoing faxes cost $1.00 per page.
Cover sheets are available at the library and are sent with your fax for no additional cost.

Scanning Services

We will scan documents to an email address provided for no charge.

Public WiFi

The Library’s wireless network is not secure, and the Library cannot guarantee the safety of your traffic across its wireless network. The Library assumes no responsibility for the configurations, security or files on your laptop resulting from connection to the Library’s network. Information sent to or from your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and appropriate software, within 300 feet. The Library is not able to provide technical assistance to you, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to make a wireless connection. If you need assistance, contact the manufacturer of your laptop or software.

Sharing Documents to Print

If you only need to print, you have the option to send print jobs to

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