Tool Library

Mission Statement
The Tool Library (TL) has been made possible with a grant from the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA), in partnership with Lake County Build a Generation and our sponsors Bighorn Ace Hardware and Cloud City Conservation Center. The mission of the Tool Library is to enrich the community by providing Lake County residents the tools to learn to carry out their own home repairs and projects.
How To Use The Tool Library
Requirements to Begin Using the Tool Library:
1) You must be 18+, a Lake County resident, and a current library card holder.
2) You must attend a Tool Orientation by appointment.
3) You must sign a liability waiver.
To obtain a Tool Orientation appointment, please fill out the appointment request form at this link. We will confirm your appointment within 2 business days. At your designated appointment time, meet us at the library and we will walk you through a roughly 20 minute orientation session. At this appointment we will go over the basics about the Tool Library program, the rules and expectations associated with using the Tool Library, and have you sign a waiver.
Steps to Check Out Tools After Orientation:
- Our Tool Library Catalog can be found on our website through this link.
- Locate the tool you're interested in and click "schedule item".
- Log into your account with your library card number and password
- Select the dates you want to reserve the item.
- Additionally, you may walk in and request an item in person. If that item is available, you may take it home.
Basic Rules for the Tool Library:
- You may take out up to 10 items at one time.
- You may take the item(s) out for up to 7 days.
- You may book items for pickup at a later date using our online catalog.
- Items not picked up on the first day of your booking may be checked out to other patrons.
- Communicate any issues to us as soon as possible.
- Treat the items with respect.
- Return the items cleaned and in good condition.
Suggestions for the Tool Library:
We're always looking for ways to help our community. If there is a tool you'd like to use that we don't have, please suggest it! We review suggestions and make purchases periodically. Click here to suggest a tool for our Tool Library!