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January: Second Edition

The word "January" with snowy trees and the text "SECOND EDITION" in the background.

Announcements & Updates

  •  Reminder: The library will be closed, Monday 1/20 for MLK Jr. Day! No programming will occur that day.


  • Reminder: Library Open House this Friday 1/17 from 5-6:30pm! Join us to learn more about all the library has to offer (hint: it’s more than just books)! Interpretation & food will be provided. Crafts will be available for children. 


  • Reminder: The Winter Reading Challenge is halfway done! There is still time to register and read 500 minutes if you try! Register on Beanstack. Don’t forget to log your minutes and stop by for your sign up and completion prizes. Finishers will also be entered to win our grand prizes in our raffle. Don’t miss out!


  • Crafty Hour: Color Mosaic Coasters | Monday 1/27 | 4-5pm: Registration is now open! Let's create a cool Color Mosaic coaster! Design your own vibrant, patterned coaster using colorful tiles and let your creativity shine. It's a fun, hands-on craft that's perfect for all skill levels! Register here.


  • NEW PROGRAM ALERT! Read & Go | Ongoing, anytime: Do you find it difficult to get to the library during regular hours? No matter the reason, the library can come to you with drop off and pickup services when you sign up for the Read & Go program. The best part is, it is free! To get started please fill out the interest form here


  • NEW PROGRAM ALERT! Adult Game Night | Second Thursday of every month | 6:30-8:30pm: Are you an adult who likes playing games? Whether you're new to board games or a pro, come to the library and have fun with us! This month we'll be playing Ticket to Ride. Popcorn, hot chocolate, and tea will be provided; feel free to bring snacks and drinks, too! Leave your kids at home and bring your competitive spirit!


  • NEW PROGRAM ALERT! LEGO Robotics | Mondays starting in March | 4-5:30pm: Register a child for an upcoming round of afterschool LEGO Robotics! This multi-day session gives youth the opportunity to play with and build upon a LEGO Robot over 4 different days. Learn entry-level programming skills and play with LEGOs! Click the registration link to see all dates. Limited registration available: →Register Here←

Our Community

  • Our Page Turners & Treats program has been a resounding success! We’re so excited to see all the reviews coming in and can’t wait to read more. Remember, anyone can participate in this program, so get to reading & help your fellow Ledvillian pick a new book with your review! Review forms can be found at the circulation desk. When you complete it, pick a candy bar or a bag of takis as a reward for a job well done. 


  • The Leadville Legacies program has begun! We want to preserve Leadville’s past for future generations. If you, your family, or someone you know has been in Leadville for a long time, the library wants to talk to you! We’re building a collection of oral history stories to provide a look into the past for future generations. This town is unique and so are the people who have made it what it is today. Please join us in preserving your Leadville Legacy! Contact Jen for more information about how to get started : 719-486-0569 or


Our Collections

Library Card Benefits: Kanopy

Your library card offers you more than just our physical book collection. It also includes a membership to Kanopy! Never heard of it? Well, Kanopy is an online streaming service for critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more. There are options for adults and children alike. Watch on your computer or stream from your computer to your Smart TV. 

Kanopy works on a digital “ticket” platform. Each month, you get 21 tickets to use for whatever you would like to watch in the general collection. Different titles “cost” a different amount of tickets. The best way to think of tickets is to think of them as free credits. One very important thing to note is that all kid’s content is ticket free! So kids can stream an unlimited number of programs (and there are parental controls available if you would like to use them). Unused tickets to NOT carry over month to month. Each month you start new again with 21 tickets.

To get started simply visit this link and add your library card, enter your password, and get watching. If you do not remember the password to your library card account, visit our website, click My Account, enter your library card number, and say “forgot password”. This will send a link to your email address on file so you can create a new password. If you do not know your library card number because you’ve lost your card or you no longer have access to your email address associated with your library account, stop by the front desk so we can assist you in resetting your information.

If you have a Temporary, Easy Access, or CLC library card and would like upgrade it to a full access resident card, please bring proof of residence (utility bill, lease, mail, etc.) with your address and name that match your photo ID in to the circulation desk and we’ll be happy to update your account for you. 

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