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Patron Behavior Policy

Lake County Public Library seeks to provide a safe and enjoyable space for learning, reading, and gathering within the community.

LCPL expects all patrons to abide by federal, state, and local laws while using the library.

The following behaviors are not acceptable in the library:

  • Any behavior that endangers or threatens the health or safety of library patrons or library staff.
  • Violation of any local, state, or federal law.
  • Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library material.
  • Theft of library materials or personal property of other patrons or staff.
  • Use of abusive or intimidating language or gestures to patrons or staff
  • Behavior that is willfully annoying, harassing[1], or threatening to another person.
  • Use of the library telephone for personal business, unless in an emergency and at the discretion of library staff.
  • Use of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal substances in the library.
  • Other kinds of behavior deemed inappropriate in the opinion of the Director or designated staff members
  • Inappropriate dress, such bathing suits and wet clothing or not wearing a shirt or shoes in the library
  • Using the restrooms to bathe or wash hair.
  • Carrying a concealed firearm or other weapon without a permit.

Enforcement of Behavior Policies

Any patron engaging in such behaviors will be asked to leave the library and may have borrowing privileges revoked or suspended, or be prohibited from entering the library and its grounds.

Staff is authorized to use all necessary and reasonable measures to enforce these policies.

Any patron or group of patrons who exhibit or participate in prohibited behavior or disregard Library rules and policies after having been warned by staff may be asked to leave the Library and not return for the remainder of the day.

The Library Director is authorized to limit or suspend Library privileges (all or in part, as determined by the Library Director) of anyone whose unacceptable behavior is chronic, dangerous, or severely disruptive. Parents of minor children will be notified of this action.

Any patron or group of patrons who do not leave the Library after having been asked by staff, will be considered trespassers. Police may be called to remove trespassers from the Library or to provide assistance to Library staff in dealing with persons who violate Library policies, rules, or regulations.

Appealing Revocation of Library Privileges

Any Library patron whose library privileges have been revoked for any period and for whatever reason may appeal to the Board of Trustees.

The appealing person (the Appellant) must set forth the reasons for his or her appeal in a letter (the Appeal Letter) addressed to the President of the Board and mailed to:

Secretary, Board of Trustees, Lake County Public Library
1115 Harrison Avenue
Leadville, Colorado 80461

The Appeal Letter does not need to follow any particular format, but must include the decision(s) appealed and the reason(s) the Appellant thinks each decision is wrong. The Appellant must write on the envelope the word “APPEAL.”

As soon as the Appeal Letter is received at the Library, the Library Director shall forward it, unopened, to the Secretary of the LCPL Board of Trustees, who shall distribute a copy of the appeal letter to each Board member so that the Board can consider the appeal at its first reasonable opportunity. The Board shall not, nor shall it be required to, hold a special meeting to consider the Appellant’s appeal.

In reaching a decision whether to affirm, modify or reverse the revocation of library privileges, the Board of Trustees may ask the Appellant and any other persons with knowledge of the matters involved in the appeal to testify at the Board meeting at which the Board considers the appeal. The Board shall not be bound by any formal rules of evidence or procedure.

When one person is testifying, the Board may exclude all other testifying witnesses from the place where the Board is hearing testimony.

After the Board is satisfied that it has sufficiently considered the Appellant’s appeal and any testimony relating to that appeal, it shall affirm, modify or reverse revocation of library privileges. Under no circumstances is the Board obligated to restore the Appellant’s privilege to use the Library, but the Board shall consider the appeal fairly in light of all known circumstances. When the Board has decided the Appellant’s appeal, it will notify the Appellant and the Library Director in writing of its decision within seven (7) days of that decision. The Board may, but is not required to, give any reason for or finding of fact in support of its decision.

The Board’s decision with respect to the matter of the Appellant’s appeal shall be final and binding upon Appellant.

[1] Harassment is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce psychological or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule.  Harassment is characterized by requests for sexual contact, unwelcome physical advances, or conduct (verbal or physical) of a nature that is intimidating, demeaning, hostile, offensive, or potentially dangerous to self or others.

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