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Social Media Policy

LCPL engages with the Lake County community and other library enthusiasts through various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) with the purpose of providing information about LCPL’s programs, services and collections. LCPL makes every effort to ensure all photos are provided in both English & Spanish. LCPL staff may also share posts that are relevant to libraries (articles, information about books, etc.).

LCPL does not collect or use any personal information of our followers that is collected by a third-party site (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Users may remove themselves as “Friends” or “Followers” at any time.

Comments and messages are welcome on any of LCPL’s pages or profiles which are maintained on any social media sites. While LCPL respects a diversity of opinions, all interactions will be monitored and reviewed for content, relevance, and appropriate conduct. LCPL reserves the right to remove or modify content or postings that are deemed to be abusive, obscene, defamatory, spam, in violation of Intellectual Property rights, or are otherwise inappropriate.

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