Xbox Use Policy
Public Xbox Use and Video Game Checkout Policies are as follows:
To use the Public Xbox:
Lake County Public Library offers the public free use of an Xbox Series X console during Open Xbox Times. We expect all patrons to follow our Patron Behavior Policy, and to follow the Library’s Public Xbox Use Policy.
- Xbox controllers and the Xbox console do not leave the Library.
- No reservations for controllers can be made.
- Patrons who violate the Public Xbox Use Policy will lose Xbox use privileges.
Public Xbox Use Policy:
LCPL provides patrons various Xbox games and apps to access on its Public Xbox console. Parents have the right and responsibility to monitor their children’s use of the library Xbox to ensure their safety. Please also refer to our Access to Library Materials by Minors policy.
- Public Xbox is primarily for multiplayer gaming purposes. Patrons must share its use.
- Patrons are free to bring games of their own to play with the Public Xbox. Any video games brought by patrons can be barred from Public Xbox use at the discretion of Library staff. This includes M-rated games, or games that aren’t appropriate for the current audience.
- The library will not be held responsible for patron-supplied games.
- Patrons may not make any purchases with the Public Xbox.
- Patrons may not download additional content to the Public Xbox without permission of Library staff.
- Patrons shall not represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.
- It is not acceptable to use library resources to seek to infiltrate the Xbox or Xbox computer system and or damage or alter the software or hardware components of the Xbox console.
- Any damage done to the Xbox console, Xbox controllers, video game discs, or the AMAX room and its contents, will be considered a violation of the Patron Behavior policy and Xbox Use policy.
- Theft of any Public Library Xbox materials will be considered a police matter.
Video Game Checkout Policy:
Lake County Public Library offers an expanding collection of console video games available for patrons to checkout for use outside of the Library. This collection is available for all patrons.
Collection and Loan Parameters
The loan period for video game discs is 3 weeks with 1 renewal.
All video games will be housed in the YA Section of the library. This includes games of all ratings. Please also refer to our Access to Library Materials by Minors policy.
A Reminder to Parents:
You are the only person who may restrict your child’s access to library materials and services. The library staff are responsible for providing equal access to library materials and services for all users. Organizations that provide ratings, such as the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), are not government organizations and therefore cannot be mandated or enforced; their ratings are considered advisory, not law.
The library staff is available to assist any parent or guardian in locating information (ratings, reviews, ect.) on the appropriateness of a movie or book for their children.